Wednesday, July 28, 2010

postheadericon Twilight Convention in Toronto this weekend

To my lovely Twi-sistas Kristie and Angel in Buffalo:
ENJOY the Twilight Convention in Toronto!! I wish I could be there with you chickas!! Say HI to my man and tell him I´m still waiting in Austria for him... :-P

So everyone, if you are somewhere around Toronto go and stop by at the official Twilight Convention (hosted by "The Hillywoodshow")
(My man) Chaske Spencer aka Sam
Alex Meraz aka Paul
Bronson Pelletier aka Jared
Kiowa Gordon aka Embry
Charlie Bewley aka Demetri
Julia Jones aka Leah
Booboo Stewart aka Seth

It is so much fun! I cant wait till next year when I´m able to go for the third time ;-) We uploaded some of the convention pics on our facebook page, if you want to check them out.

I´m sure we will also get some news updates from our sisters online on Facebook (TwiStar Kristie Angel), Twitter (Twi_Star) or on their Blog (Twi STAR), where they are busy right now celebrating their 1 year anniversary.


twi-Star said...

Awwww thank you my dear! And yes we will be putting up tons of pics and all the Q&A sessions!

Can't wait!
